© 2013 Drake Smith - Please do not use or reproduce this elsewhere.  Feel free to link to it though.

Clutch Spline Lube


The attached PDF files at the bottom of this page contain a walkthrough and checklist for performing a clutch spline lube on an ABS II K1100.

ABS I K1100, K1 & K100RS4V: The attached write-up is for an ABS II bike but is mostly applicable to ABS I bikes as well.  Aside from the minor differences in the Motronic, ABS, battery and coolant reservoir, once you've removed their mounting bolts, you'll want to tie off the ABS modulators to the frame rails above them to keep them out of the way.

In the attached write-up, in order to avoid having to disconnect and then refill the ABS II control unit, I removed the tail cowl and placed a sawhorse under the rear of the frame.  For ABS I or non-ABS bikes, you can just remove the Motronic, ABS I control unit and battery and run a sawhorse through the middle of the frame.

K75 & K100:  Though not directly applicable to these bikes, there are some tips in the first PDF that are also useful when working on these bikes.

There are also several YouTube walkthroughs for K75s/K100s available:

Chris Harris (w/ profanity) - Part 1 of 6

Paul C - Part 1 of 3

K1100ABS II:

Walkthrough: K1100_ABSII_Spline_Lube_V2.1.pdf

Checklist: K1100_ABSII_Spline_Lube_Checklist.pdf


© 2013 Drake Smith - Please do not use or reproduce this elsewhere.  Feel free to link to it though.