© 2020 Drake Smith - Please do not use or reproduce this elsewhere.  Feel free to link to it though.

K Bike LED H4 Headlight


H4 LED headlight bulbs have been around for a several years.  The first few years of them were pretty worthless but recent advances in LED technology have made them much better and worth considering.

Things to consider when buying:

Fan Design: These days (2020) LED headlight designs incorporate a high RPM fan to dissipate the heat generated. These fans either come off of the rear of the bulb or are integrated into the bulb.

If your K is a standard K75/K100, K75C or K75S then there isn't a lot of free space behind the bulb so you'll probably want to get an H4 bulb within a built-in fan.


If you have an RS, RT or LT K bike then there's more room behind the headlight so you may be able to use an H4 bulb with a fan at the rear. However, if you have on earlier with the retaining ring then you need to make sure that the diameter of the rear of the H4 bulb is 31mm or less.

Early headlight retaining ring:

Later headlight retaining clip which can accommodate a large rear fan:

Example of an H4 LED with a fan coming off of the rear:

Lumens: Lumens is a unit of measurement for how much light a source emits. In general more lumens means more  light. However, measurement of lumens is not standardized and bulb designs vary so a bulb advertised as putting out more lumens may not put as much light on the road as a bulb advertised with less lumens. And there's also the issue of

Light Color: The color "temperature" of lights is measured in Degrees Kelvin from 1,000 to 10,000.

LED headlight bulbs usually come in either 6,000 or 6,500K which is more or less white and is close to full daylight. There isn't a huge difference between 6,000 and 6,500K so you should be fine with either. (Color temperature is too broad subject to cover in detail here. Do some Googling if you want to learn more about color temperatures.)


H4 LED headlight bulbs have been around for a seveeral years.  The first few years of them were pretty worthless but recent advances in LED technology have made them much better and worth considering.

H4 LED headlight bulbs have been around for a seveeral years.  The first few years of them were pretty worthless but recent advances in LED technology have made them much better and worth considering.

H4 LED headlight bulbs have been around for a seveeral years.  The first few years of them were pretty worthless but recent advances in LED technology have made them much better and worth considering.

H4 LED headlight bulbs have been around for a seveeral years.  The first few years of them were pretty worthless but recent advances in LED technology have made them much better and worth considering.


© 2020 Drake Smith - Please do not use or reproduce this elsewhere.  Feel free to link to it though.